I have now been in law school for one full semester and 3 days and although I expected it to be much different than undergrad this post is to inform you of the 3 biggest differences I have encountered thus far.
First, there is only one test. One, single academic challenge that determines your grade for the entire semester. Sounds stressful? You have no idea. The biggest mistake I made this past semester is not reviewing the material throughout the semester because I didn't have to. Trying to relearn things from the beginning of the semester when I had no idea what I was doing the week before the final was painful to say the least.
Second, you would think with the immense pressure that comes with having one grade deciding your entire grade in a class the professors would be kind and posts grades ASAP, right? Wrong. My grades started trickling back in about week before classes started again, with the last 2 being posted the evening before the first day of the semester. It was quite defeating to go the entire winter break and not be able to answer interested friends and family when they asked how I did my first semester. (I did pretty good, thank you for asking. In the curve or better in every class but one. I kind of choked in criminal law.)
Third, most law schools grade on a curve (I've been told Ivy League schools only do pass/fail, lucky bastards). My school curves on a B- scale. So the majority of the class gets a B- or C+, with only a handful of people getting A's. I'm pretty sure I haven't gotten a C since sophomore year of high school. Needless to say this is taking some getting used to.
Spending a month on the couch watching brain dead reality TV was fun but I have welcomed the start of my second semester and a fresh start to earn, what my dad likes to refer to as, pointy grades.
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