I have come to find out that I will one day leave law school with 3 things. One is, of course, a legal education. The second is a piece of paper that will allow me to sit for the bar (my diploma). The third and quite possibly most important is a reputation.
Ask anyone that went to law school who the biggest jerk was their first year and regardless of how long ago that was they'll be able to tell you (and if they can't there is a good chance it was them). I asked my dad when I started who was the token asshole in his class and it took him all of 2 seconds to spit out his name and what he is doing 25 years later.
Law school seems to present an environment where people's true colors shine vibrantly for all to see. However, what they don't realize is that the legal community really is quite small and there is such thing as law school karma. Word to the wise: don't hide books in the library, give your fellow studenst an incorrect reading assignment, or talk down to your classmates (or professors) because one day your dream job may come down to an interview with someone who has heard of you and your terrible ways.